Wednesday, April 24, 2019

To what extent do computational models support constructivist theories Essay

To what finis do computational models support constructivist theories of learning - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, few theorists apply it the outcome of childs interaction with his environment, from where he learns how to act, react and behave at some circumstantial situation. Several theories have been articulated on cognitive development, and researches have been made on different aspects of development in children four of which have most significant influence on the language skill as well as kindergarten learning process during the initial years of children. These theories include Nativist, Maturationist, Environmentalist and Constructivists ones.Since the study of record development is an exceedingly complex phenomenon, several theories have been articulated on the question of how a constitution passes through different phases of growth from childhood to adolescence, and what are the components which determine transformations in a child from premature years to maturity. I n addition, theorists analyse whether the behaviour in people is a learned one or mans behaviours are due to uncontrollable genetic impulses. Also, variation in intensity of onset and violence among people is due to difference in their hormones. The only influence, Cervone views, which parents would have on their childrens personality is a biological one. They pass their genes on to their children. According to the trait theories, parents interpersonal interactions with their children would exert bitty effect on the childs personality development.(2001) Various cognitive theories have been articulated in order to examine the role of nature vs. nurture in the development of a personality.All the cognitive schools of thoughts have different views and ideas on child development process, though constructivist theory won imperative popularity and rattling(prenominal) applause more than the comparatives theories. Piaget and Vygotsky are the pioneers

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