Friday, April 26, 2019

Gender Equality Education in the U.K Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender Equality statement in the U.K - Essay ExampleThis essay stresses that teachers are expected to set high expectations and provide equate opportunities to both the boys and girls in studying subjects of their choice. This way, students learn that anything can be do and there is nothing deal cognition subjects and Mathematics are for boys and not girls also, that women belong to the languages and humanities sector. This has impacted on the future careers of girls as they choose courses in the humanities and language sector and not physics and mathematics courses , being that the science subjects and mathematics are considered masculine. This continues in the U.K, being more entrenched in the education system. In and reveal of school, pressure to conform to traditional behavior has persisted with women avoiding Physics and Information Technology while opting for English, Biology and History.This news report focuses on various gender issues in education and their impact on s tudent performance. It has been made urinate to us why students from both sexes should be treated equally in terms of the subjects to be done and not limit boys to a particular group of subjects and the girls too. These stereotypes based on gender are the ones that fetch impacted much negatively on students performance in the U.K. We equally have seen how girls have managed to audition wrong the idea of them not being able to perform as better when it comes to boys and the science subjects. Therefore, it is burning(prenominal) noting that every pupil whether male or female can succeed in whichever subject and strike their career to the direction they please.

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