Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Young and the Innocent Essay Example for Free

The Young and the cleared EssayAlison Croggon once said, We are all mistaken manytimes sometimes we do wrong things, things that watch bad consequences. But it does non mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward. The explanation of the 1692 Salem Witch Trials is portrayed in Arthur Millers play, The Crucible. In this drama a affect female child named bloody shame Warren fights through the false accusations of other girls and the citizens of Salem, Massachusetts. bloody shame Warren is an innocent girl stuck in the middle of a bad situation. She is forced to make some harmful decisions in society to protect her own life.bloody shame Warren is a young girl that is intimidated easily. She is a follower and her leaders are buttocks Proctor and Abigail Williams. Throughout the play both Proctor and Abigail force bloody shame to do things that put her life in danger. Proctor said to Mary, Youre coming to court with me, Mary. You go away tell it in the cour tYou result tell the court how that poppet come here and who stuck the acerate leaf in (Miller 1134). Mary doing what Proctor says will force the other girls to turn on her and put Marys life on the line. This time, Mary makes the right choice and tells the truth out of fear of Proctor. subsequently on, Proctor isnt so lucky.The biggest enemy of Mary is her countless fears. She has a fear of disappointing others, a fear of Abigail, and most importantly a fear of death. Looking back on the play, these fears are what mold Marys decisions. Her fear of disappointing people is shown by the amount of begging and apologizing she does in the play. Since the extraction she has had a fear of Abigail and has always obeyed her. Abigail said, Let either of you breathe a wordand I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you (Miller 1107). Abigail was referring to the truth about what happened the night they were caught dancin g in the forest. Last provided not least, she had a great fear of death. This is such a powerful thing and in Marys situation, this fear indirectly made her a murderer. Mary had a choice, tell the truth and secure hanged, or lie and sacrifice Proctors life in order to save her own.Mary Warren is a sympathetic character. She had a lot of weight resting onher shoulders and in the end she did not make the right choice. Mary said to Proctor, Youre the Devils man (Miller 1151). This put Proctor next in line to be hanged and set Mary free. At the time of the trials Mary was only eighteen and crimson though technically an adult, she was a child at heart. She had not experienced any hardships of life until iodine day when she was forced to face the worst of them all, death.Over all, Mary Warren was a good psyche but was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She made some good choices and some really poor ones. Mary was able to walk away from the trials with her life and a clear name. U nfortunately, 19 other innocent people were not as lucky and were hanged. Mary may have condemned John Proctor, but it is important to remember that one mistake does not define you or the outcome of your life.

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